New Bio-Ingredient

Specialty enzyme

We are developing Bio products and New Bio-Ingredients
using   i  DNA Evolution™ Technology.

New Bio-Ingredient - Naturecare



• Proteins that stimulate and accelerate biological reactions in the body
• Classified into three categories:
- Metabolic enzyme: Builds new cells or repair damaged cells in the body
- Food enzyme: Already presents within the food such as fruits, vegetables and seeds
- Digestive enzyme: Made by our body's organs. digestive enzymes are secreted by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and the small intestine



Food enzyme
1. Detoxification
Improving the intestinal environment through eliminating pathogenic enteric bacteria
2. Digestion & nutrient absorption
Supplying insufficient digestive enzyme to complete digestion and support digestive absorption function of intestines
3. Treatment for food allergy
Breaking down protein allergens and working to block the process that causes an allergic reaction.
4. Body weight management
Inhibiting visceral obesity and body fat accumulation.​